Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Say It Before It's Too Late

Someone said " I love her since then. She WAS the love of my life. Yet I was too proud to tell her."

It's an easy thing saying " I Love You" to people who matter. You never know when you might lose them or when they might lose you."

** Kepada Chu Na dan Ayah Su yang senyap-senyap baca blog saya, tolong beritahu pada Aki dan Emak saya yang saya sayang mereka. Hey, I know u are watching me. 'Thanks' Urghhhh~ ahaha =p "


helang timur said...

uhibbuki fillah..salam ukhuwah..(^_~)

13may said...

"You never know when you might lose them or when they might lose you"

best ayat nih :)

en_me said...

sayang emak ghitewww.. salamms

::cik kikiLaLa:: said...

yang tak pernah cium peluk mak ayah tu silakan berbuat demikian supaya tak terlewat..dan menyesal...hihi

balqissy said...

najihah: ana bi-khair.(tiba-tiba- cubaan berbual dlm bahasa arab)
hehe salam ukhuwah juga, sis =)

13may: ayat-ayat kamu lagi power! wo0o0~

en_me: salamss... semua pun syg emak,kan? =)

cik kikilala: emak ayah jauh sikit. tapi, hari tu baru salam peluk mereka. hikhikhik